Announcing an A-Z and DIY Book Publicity Course — with Me!

Beverly Bambury/ January 8, 2016/ Announcements, Book Marketing, BookMarketingWithoutBS, Comic Marketing, DIY, Marketing, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Service Highlight, Workshops/ 4 comments

Announcement (Note: as of 15 January, the early interest form is closed. I expect to launch the course this week. If you are still interested in being part of the early interest group, however, email me and I’ll handle it.) Hello again, friendly readers! I am pleased to announce that this winter I am launching a course on Udemy. It will be on DIY book publicity, which I often talk about, but it’s going to be a total package, an A-Z course on what I do for my clients, how I do it–and how you can do it, too. If you are interested in knowing when it launches, enter your info here. The people who tell me they are interested using this form will get first

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Self-Planning for Self-Promotion: A Book Marketing without B.S. Web Workshop

Beverly Bambury/ March 10, 2014/ Announcements, Book Marketing, BookMarketingWithoutBS, Comic Marketing, DIY, Public Relations, Publicity, Queries, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Social Media, Traditional Media, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

I am doing an in-depth online workshop on self-promotion for all authors and comic creators. This isn’t just for the self-published, either. If you’re published by any house, big or small, you know how much work falls to you for your own book marketing and publicity. In fact, it’s telling that my clients primarily fall in the small-to-medium publisher category, with the next largest being major publishing houses. (And yes, I have a few self-published/owner-created comics clients, too!) Right now there are two dates: Thursday, March 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and Sunday, April 13th at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (get those tickets here). I will do this again a few times a year as long as there is interest, so if you

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