Announcing an A-Z and DIY Book Publicity Course — with Me!

Beverly Bambury/ January 8, 2016/ Announcements, Book Marketing, BookMarketingWithoutBS, Comic Marketing, DIY, Marketing, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Service Highlight, Workshops/ 4 comments

Announcement (Note: as of 15 January, the early interest form is closed. I expect to launch the course this week. If you are still interested in being part of the early interest group, however, email me and I’ll handle it.) Hello again, friendly readers! I am pleased to announce that this winter I am launching a course on Udemy. It will be on DIY book publicity, which I often talk about, but it’s going to be a total package, an A-Z course on what I do for my clients, how I do it–and how you can do it, too. If you are interested in knowing when it launches, enter your info here. The people who tell me they are interested using this form will get first

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Fall Workshops: First Lead-Up Exercise for Twitter

Beverly Bambury/ July 9, 2015/ Announcements, author services, authors, Book Marketing, DIY, Facebook, Marketing, Self-Promotion, Social Media, Social Skills, Twitter, Useful Stuff, Workshops/ 0 comments

Hello again, everyone! I have two social media for authors workshops coming in September, one in Pickering and one in Brampton. In preparation I have exercises participants can work on over the summer. They will then bring the results with them to the workshop on the day they attend. Since I am doing this in conjunction with BeNovel Marketing Services, the exercise is hosted on its site. Go take a look, and if you are in or have friends in the GTA, please share this with writers you think may be interested. Early-bird pricing has a few weeks to go and you won’t want to miss out on the hefty discount for getting in on it early! Register here (scroll down, the registration is right

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