The One Thing You Need to Know About Social Media

Beverly Bambury/ July 7, 2017/ Facebook, Instagram, Public Relations, Self-Promotion, Social Media, Social Skills, Twitter, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

I have said this before: “Social media is social.” Despite how often this is said by me and other social media types, people continue to miss the point of networking via social media. In case you missed it, the point is that it’s social. What does “social media is social” mean exactly? To be social is to interact, to listen as well as talk, to get to know others as they get to know you. I know the dance of socializing doesn’t come naturally to everyone. The beauty of online interaction is that if you really kind of hate people you can mask your natural distaste for human interaction. If you are a bit shy, it’s easy to put your best foot forward and

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Fall Workshops: First Lead-Up Exercise for Twitter

Beverly Bambury/ July 9, 2015/ Announcements, author services, authors, Book Marketing, DIY, Facebook, Marketing, Self-Promotion, Social Media, Social Skills, Twitter, Useful Stuff, Workshops/ 0 comments

Hello again, everyone! I have two social media for authors workshops coming in September, one in Pickering and one in Brampton. In preparation I have exercises participants can work on over the summer. They will then bring the results with them to the workshop on the day they attend. Since I am doing this in conjunction with BeNovel Marketing Services, the exercise is hosted on its site. Go take a look, and if you are in or have friends in the GTA, please share this with writers you think may be interested. Early-bird pricing has a few weeks to go and you won’t want to miss out on the hefty discount for getting in on it early! Register hereĀ (scroll down, the registration is right

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How to Handle Social Media Missteps: Book Marketing without B.S. #9

Beverly Bambury/ January 27, 2014/ authors, BookMarketingWithoutBS, DIY, Facebook, Public Relations, Self-Promotion, Social Skills, Twitter/ 2 comments

Twitter is often an important tool in the writer’s networking arsenal. It’s fast, it’s short, it’s connected. Author Peter V. Brett was reminded last week that those strengths are also its obstacles. Today’s blog post is to illustrate that being careful how you compose tweets about controversial or sensitive topics makes a difference, and how you handle it when you misstep makes an even bigger difference. (And if you’re active and engaged, it is likely that you will at some point make a social media mistake.) A Social Media Problem is Born Last week’s genre author twitterstorm was set off when Peter retweeted the following: How did you read this tweet? Some people took it as he intended (more on that later), but many,

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Coming Soon: Calls for Submission Column

Beverly Bambury/ November 16, 2013/ Announcements, Facebook, Guest Post, Publishing, Submissions, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

In the next week or two I’ll have the first of a reoccurring column aggregating calls for submission. It will be by Selene MacLeod who also administers the successful Facebook group Calls for Submissions (Poetry, Fiction, Art). If this is what you like to see, sign up for email notifications of new posts so that you don’t miss a thing!

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Followers: Book Marketing without B.S. #1

Beverly Bambury/ October 31, 2013/ BookMarketingWithoutBS, Facebook, Marketing, Publicity, Self-Promotion, Social Skills, Twitter/ 0 comments

Book Marketing without B.S. is a weekly publicity and marketing advice column for writers and other creators who prefer a realistic, clear, and no-nonsense approach. The marketing and publicity worlds are important for understanding audience and customers, and getting the right word out to the right people; but, let’s be honest. There’s also a lot of bullshit. My goal is to help you cut through the B.S. with direct, understandable advice you won’t be embarrassed to follow. Welcome to my inaugural Book Marketing withouth BS column. Today’s question was asked anonymously, and it’s about purchasing followers on Twitter (and by extension, purchasing likes/on other blogs and social media such as Facebook, Pinterest, etc.). The short answer to this is “Don’t do it”. Below is

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More Book Publicity Info: Rates, Advice, and Services

Beverly Bambury/ May 16, 2013/ Facebook, Publicity, Rates/Fees/ 0 comments

I started a new Facebook page recently for Beverly Bambury Publicity, and I’ve been using it to share advice, information about my clients’ books and appearances, and information about what my fees are to do it. You can follow the page by clicking like, or I’ll occasionally do round-up posts of the useful advice and info here on the blog. This is one of those posts. These Facebook items were inspired by questions from clients and potential clients, so if you have any questions at all about publicity or marketing for your book (including comics) feel free to ask me here in the comments or via email and I’ll put together an answer for you that will hopefully be both useful and easy to understand. Here

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