Self-Promotion for Authors and Comic Creators Webinar Update: Timing Survey

Beverly Bambury/ March 3, 2014/ authors, comic creators, DIY, Self-Promotion, survey, Timing, webinar, writers/ 0 comments

Hi, all! I am planning that webinar on self-promotion for writers and comic creators sometime this month. It’s an update and expansion on the free talk I gave at SFContario this past fall. I plan to charge somewhere in the neighbourhood of $15 for the session, which I expect to take 1.5 to 2 hours. If you’re potentially interested in this, take this survey to help me get an idea of the best day and time to run a session. I’l consider two sessions if necessary, or even more, depending on response, so tell me what works for you and I’ll make a schedule late this week. Anyhow, here’s the survey for your radio button-clicking convenience: Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey ,

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A Hard Line Against Twitter DMs for Promotion and Marketing

Beverly Bambury/ September 25, 2013/ Advertising, DIY, Marketing, Publicity, Self-Promotion, Social Skills, survey, Twitter/ 5 comments

Stop using Twitter DMs for marketing or publicizing your stuff. Just. Stop. (You’re going to like this one. It’s short to read and I am telling you to do less.) Here’s why: A minimum of 90% of the DMs I receive parrot the exact same stuff/links that is already on the sender’s Twitter profile or in a bunch of their tweets. If someone’s already looked at your profile and decided to add you, you don’t need to repeat yourself in a DM. “But I’ve got free stuff to share with followers! I need to make sure they don’t miss it!” Tweet it instead. Twitter is for tweeting. You can add it to your profile, too. It won’t be that hard to find. Honest. And

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