Still Kicking

Beverly Bambury/ May 2, 2017/ Announcements, Conventions/ 0 comments

If you look at the date of my previous blog post, you can see that I am not a blogger to emulate in your own blogging practice. I have things brewing, though, so I have hope that I may have a few things published now and again. So! I am glad to announce that I am doing social media work and editing (among other things) for Bramptonist, a fantastic local news site. I have regular, continuing work with Hex Publishers and Not So Super Comics. I have many other individual clients as well, such as Maria Alexander (who just won a second Stoker award!) and Hank Early, with a debut Southern crime novel coming out in November. Also, I will be at Ad Astra in Toronto

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Ad Astra Schedule and Other Updates

Beverly Bambury/ April 10, 2015/ Announcements, Conventions/ 0 comments

Since it’s been a while, here are a few updates! I spoke last week at the Waterloo-Wellington branch of the Canadian Authors Association (CAA). We talked about handling your own blog tour from planning to execution, and we talked briefly about social media skills. It was my first official non-convention speaking engagement, so it was pretty exciting. There were about ten people, so it was small, but everyone had excellent questions and it was a pleasure to know that I was helping some people get promotion activities off on the right foot. The week before, I was on Daytime with Susan Cook-Scheerer on the local Rogers station in Kitchener to promote the event along with author, client, and president of the CAA branch Vanessa Ricci-Thode. Unfortunately I

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My Can-Con Schedule: Ottawa Awaits!

Beverly Bambury/ October 2, 2014/ Conventions, Social Media/ 0 comments

A rare day of two blog posts. Here’s the first one for your reading pleasure. — Beverly This weekend I am attending Can-Con, a science fiction and fantasy convention (with a little horror and comics thrown in for good measure,) in Ottawa. As an immigrant to Canada I am especially excited that the hotel is only a few blocks from Parliament Hill. I plan to walk down and hope to get a few people to join me. It’s likely to be a slow, easy walk since my lungs are still in the throes of a lingering chest cold. Breathing. It’s hard sometimes. : But I digress. My schedule for this convention is quite simple. Friday Whatever I feel like doing. Saturday Whatever I feel

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DetCon1 – The Aftermath

Beverly Bambury/ July 22, 2014/ Conventions/ 4 comments

It was a great convention, with good quality panels and panelists, and lots of fun at parties at night (and in some cases, great beer!). The volunteers and ConCom were fantastic as well. I was well fed by the con suite, all told. Plus the hotel was futuristic-looking and pleasant… the spaces felt good. There were food and drinks for all budgets available; however, it being mainly an office building things weren’t open as widely on the weekend. Still, that is a minor complaint. I also gave away every last business card that I had, so it’s time to order more. Hopefully I’ll hear from some of these people, whether they want to hire me or not. I still love making new friends and

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My DetCon Schedule

Beverly Bambury/ July 17, 2014/ Book Marketing, Conventions, Publicity, Publishing/ 0 comments

Hi, all! I will be at NASFic DetCon 1 this weekend from Friday, July 18th through Sunday, July 20th. I have a couple of panels I am moderating as well as a kaffeeklatsch (kaffeeklatsch=consulting time for free if you play your cards right! ;)) North American Science Fiction Convention (DetCon) Schedule Econ 101 of Self-Publishing, Nicolet A, Saturday 11 a.m. I am the moderator, and I will be there with JF Garrard, Blake Hausladen, Patty Templeton, Christie Meierz, and Becca Price. The media is filled with news about self-publishing, but to do it properly, there is a price to pay! This panel will touch on a series of topics and give an estimate of how much things can cost: 1) The difference between traditional and self-publishing, 2) Why an editor is

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The Amazing Stories Response to the Travelling to Cons on the Cheap Guest Post

Beverly Bambury/ May 6, 2014/ Conventions, Guest Post/ 1 comments

A while back, Effie Seiberg was kind enough to author a guest post for me, The Cheapskate’s Guide to SF/F cons: A Guest Post. It’s been among the more popular posts on my blog with its useful info that balances being a fan and attending cons for fun, and the all-important business-savvy advice. Today Steve Davidson, the head honcho over at Amazing Stories, wrote about his experiences at conventions on the cheap from when he was younger and contrasted that with the modern experience. He was kind enough to mention my thought that it could be different for women to do things like crash in rooms or (gasp!) hitchhike. I really appreciated this response and the contrast with how things were before I’d ever

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My Ad Astra 2014 Schedule

Beverly Bambury/ April 4, 2014/ Conventions/ 2 comments

I only have a few panels this year at Ad Astra (which is in a new hotel this year–the former Polaris hotel), though I have many that I’d like to attend, and several launches and readings that are of interest. Clients Bundoran Press and the EDGE gang (Suzanne Church and Michael Martineck) are both having launch parties at the same time, so that allows for some sitcom-like fun of back-and-forth to parties! (Well. Maybe a bit.) I’ll also be going to the Guest of Honour Brunch, and hopefully will sit with Patricia Briggs. It’s funny–I’d told someone recently that my Canadian business wasn’t that robust, but given the number of clients I’ll see this weekend, I’ve realized it’s healthier than I thought. That pleases

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Self Publishing Comics Panel Report: A Guest Post by Ricky Lima

Beverly Bambury/ February 22, 2014/ comic creators, comics, Conventions, DIY, Guest Post, Marketing, Self-Promotion, self-publishing/ 0 comments

This past January there was a comics self-publishing event at PAMA (a local art gallery and historical archive). On the panel were Sanya Anwar (Site | Twitter), Ricky Lima (Facebook | Twitter), Jason Loo (Site | Twitter), and David Bishop (Facebook | Twitter).  I was unfortunately unable to make the event, so I asked Ricky to tell me about it in the form of the guest blog post you are about to read. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know if there are similar events in your city you might like to report on.  Bishop, Loo, Anwar, Lima (L-R)Photo credit: Stadium Comics Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archive is hosting an exhibit dedicated to graphic story telling. The gallery has an awesome collection

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SFContario 2013 Wrap-Up and Upcoming Webinar

Beverly Bambury/ December 3, 2013/ Conventions/ 0 comments

My Sunday presentation at SFContario, Self-Planning for Self-Promotion, went well. The audience gave great feedback and seemed to get a lot out of the material. They also had several good questions and comments around topics such as users of the Create Space platform being able to get into book stores to do readings, the uses of video, and timing for back list versus upcoming releases. I’ll be expanding the slide deck and adding more detail, and in the new year I plan to do a webinar for which I’ll charge a small fee. I may even do an in-person class locally, but that will depend on several factors. In any case, thanks again to everyone who came out, and thanks also to the people

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My SFContario 4 Schedule, Including Free, Open to the Public Workshop

Beverly Bambury/ November 28, 2013/ Book Marketing, Conventions, DIY, Marketing, Publicity, Self-Promotion, self-publishing/ 0 comments

Book Marketing without B.S. is taking a week off for U.S. Thanksgiving. Check back next week for #5. In the meantime, I will be at SFContario 4 this weekend (as will my husband. As you can see below, I am not the only Bambury out there!). Saturday is a busy day of panels for me, and Sunday I am running a free, open to the public workshop that will help you create a marketing and publicity plan for your creative work. Take a look, and if you see me, please say hello! I promise I don’t bite. Talk a lot, maybe, but no biting. Finally, don’t forget to check out my recent guest post by Effie Seiberg, all about doing conventions on the cheap.

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