nEvermore, a New Kind of Anthology. Edgar Allan Poe Time!

Beverly Bambury/ October 2, 2014/ Announcements, Calls for Submission, Writing Markets/ 2 comments

One other post today. This time it’s all about an Indigogo campaign for an Edgar Allan Poe-themed anthology called nEvermore that celebrates both mystery and horror: the two things Poe did so well. Please click the raven below and take a look. It’s edited by the esteemed Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, and it will be published by well-respected Canadian publisher, EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing. I am working with them to get the word out about the campaign, so I would (and we all would) be deeply grateful if you contributed and helped us spread the word. And hey! Writers! It will also mean calls for submission for you writers, so there may be something in it for you down the road! So

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My Can-Con Schedule: Ottawa Awaits!

Beverly Bambury/ October 2, 2014/ Conventions, Social Media/ 0 comments

A rare day of two blog posts. Here’s the first one for your reading pleasure. — Beverly This weekend I am attending Can-Con, a science fiction and fantasy convention (with a little horror and comics thrown in for good measure,) in Ottawa. As an immigrant to Canada I am especially excited that the hotel is only a few blocks from Parliament Hill. I plan to walk down and hope to get a few people to join me. It’s likely to be a slow, easy walk since my lungs are still in the throes of a lingering chest cold. Breathing. It’s hard sometimes. : But I digress. My schedule for this convention is quite simple. Friday Whatever I feel like doing. Saturday Whatever I feel

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9 Slush Pile Mistakes: A Guest Post by 2 Slush Readers

Beverly Bambury/ September 30, 2014/ authors, editing, Publishing, Submissions, Useful Stuff, writers, Writing Markets/ 1 comments

Welcome to Adam Shaftoe (slush reader for Daily Science Fiction) and Patrick Icasas (slush reader for Flash Fiction Online). I’ve known Adam for a few years now thanks to the Toronto-area convention scene and I very much admire his reviewing skills. Read his blog, people! I met Patrick only recently via my LAB•B work, and it turned out we had lots of interests in common, and I even helped him get a very well-known comic book writer on his new blog, How to Suck Less. Woo!In any case, Patrick and Adam work hard at what they do, and they have some wisdom to share with you short fiction writers. Read and learn, my friends. Read and learn. –Beverly Short fiction can be an unfair game. Though talent,

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Urban Fantasy Twitter Chat, GenreLitChat #3

Beverly Bambury/ August 29, 2014/ #GenreLitChat, Announcements, authors, Book Marketing, Book Tours, Social Media, Twitter/ 0 comments

It’s that time again! Thursday, September 4th at 8 p.m. Eastern / 5 p.m. Pacific is the next #GenreLitChat, and this time it’s urban fantasy. You can participate in this chat by sending me questions ahead of time for me to ask the panel, or simply being on Twitter and following the hashtag. While this is a moderated discussion, you’ll be free to reply and interact as normal on Twitter.The urban fantasy group consists of: Mia Marshall is the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award-winning author of the Elements urban fantasy series. Before she started writing about things that don’t exist in this version of reality, she worked as a high school teacher, script supervisor, story editor, legal secretary, and day care worker. She has lived all along

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Calls for Submission #7

Beverly Bambury/ August 23, 2014/ Calls for Submission, Submissions, Useful Stuff, Writing Markets/ 0 comments

This week Selene MacLeod once again brings us the occasional column Calls for Submission (CfS). You can see all of the CfS columns here. Don’t forget to joint Selene’s Facebook groups  Call for Submissions: Poetry, Fiction, Art and Open Call: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Pulp, as well as similar active groups Open Call: Horror Markets, Open Call: For the Love of Horror, and Open Call: Crime, Thriller and Mystery Markets. Finally, you should sign up to receive my news and columns by email; make sure you don’t miss useful stuff in the social media shuffle!Thanks for reading. – Beverly I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. It’s hard to believe that school starts in just a few weeks. As the weather cools down, hopefully you’ve got some writing projects on the go.

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DetCon1 – The Aftermath

Beverly Bambury/ July 22, 2014/ Conventions/ 4 comments

It was a great convention, with good quality panels and panelists, and lots of fun at parties at night (and in some cases, great beer!). The volunteers and ConCom were fantastic as well. I was well fed by the con suite, all told. Plus the hotel was futuristic-looking and pleasant… the spaces felt good. There were food and drinks for all budgets available; however, it being mainly an office building things weren’t open as widely on the weekend. Still, that is a minor complaint. I also gave away every last business card that I had, so it’s time to order more. Hopefully I’ll hear from some of these people, whether they want to hire me or not. I still love making new friends and

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Service Highlight: Affordable, No-BS Book Marketing and Social Media Consultations

Beverly Bambury/ July 18, 2014/ Book Marketing, Marketing, Service Highlight, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

My most under-the-radar services are the consulting services, so I wanted to say a bit more about those, and to share some words from happy consulting clients, too! How do consulting services help you? Offload some of the work you don’t want to do Get query letters written for you (or a critique for the ones you have) Ease your stress with step-by-step plans for publicity campaigns Ditch even more of that stress with social media plans and coaching tailored for your needs You can probably afford it, too, because it starts for as little as $75. Email me for a no-charge discussion to see if working with me is right for you. Not sure whether this is for you? Here are some clients who’ve

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My DetCon Schedule

Beverly Bambury/ July 17, 2014/ Book Marketing, Conventions, Publicity, Publishing/ 0 comments

Hi, all! I will be at NASFic DetCon 1 this weekend from Friday, July 18th through Sunday, July 20th. I have a couple of panels I am moderating as well as a kaffeeklatsch (kaffeeklatsch=consulting time for free if you play your cards right! ;)) North American Science Fiction Convention (DetCon) Schedule Econ 101 of Self-Publishing, Nicolet A, Saturday 11 a.m. I am the moderator, and I will be there with JF Garrard, Blake Hausladen, Patty Templeton, Christie Meierz, and Becca Price. The media is filled with news about self-publishing, but to do it properly, there is a price to pay! This panel will touch on a series of topics and give an estimate of how much things can cost: 1) The difference between traditional and self-publishing, 2) Why an editor is

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GenreLitChat #2: Crime and Thriller–The Storify Transcript

Beverly Bambury/ June 3, 2014/ #GenreLitChat, Interviews, Storify, Transcript, Twitter/ 0 comments

Hi, all! You may remember that Twitter chat from 22 May 2014, which you can learn more about here. If you missed it (or if you just want to relive all the glory) you can find the Storify transcript below. Note that I had some glitchiness with getting this to work, so if you happen to notice some missing tweets, feel free to link to them in the comments. Enjoy! [View the story “#GenreLitChat #2: Crime and Thrillers” on Storify]

Calls for Submission #6 Plus Sources

Beverly Bambury/ May 31, 2014/ Calls for Submission, Submissions, Useful Stuff, Writing Markets/ 0 comments

This week Selene MacLeod once again brings us the occasional column Calls for Submission (CfS). You can see all of the CfS columns here. Don’t forget to joint Selene’s Facebook groups  Call for Submissions: Poetry, Fiction, Art and Open Call: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Pulp, as well as similar active groups Open Call: Horror Markets, Open Call: For the Love of Horror, and Open Call: Crime, Thriller and Mystery Markets. Finally, you should sign up to receive my news and columns by email; make sure you don’t miss useful stuff in the social media shuffle! Now here’s Selene with various calls, some with deadlines today and tomorrow! I bolded deadlines in the next week to make it easier to skim for them! – Beverly This month, I’m going to let you in

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