GenreLitChat #2: Crime and Thriller

Beverly Bambury/ May 8, 2014/ #GenreLitChat, Announcements, Interviews, Twitter/ 0 comments

We’re two weeks away from the next #GenreLitChat, and this time it’s a crime! The lineup:

What is #GenreLitChat? It’s an occasional Twitter chat with writers on the state of genre, and how their work does–or doesn’t–fit. Learn about new books! Ask authors questions! Crack open a beer! Well, I guess that last part’s optional, but please feel free. 

The date of this thriller and crime Twitter chat is Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. PDTWhen you join the chat, you can use this page ( which will focus only on the hashtag, and even automatically insert the hashtag for you if you ask questions or reply. Alternatively, you can follow the hashtag #GenreLitChat right on Twitter, but make sure you use the hashtag or your questions and comments may be missed!

You can send questions to me, the moderator, during the chat (@BeverlyBambury). You are also encouraged to send questions ahead of time to and I’ll add the best ones to the list. 

Questions? Email me or ask in the comments. Hope to see you during #GenreLitChat in two weeks!

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