(Originally published at http://www.elsewords.com in July 2012.)
Good evening! It’s been another overly-full week, but last weekend at Polaris and the monthly Chiaroscuro Reading Series event were well worth cramming in everything else. More on those events later. Right now I’d like to share some of the results of Beverly’s Unscientific Survey of Social Media Preference. I have the survey questions and results discussion after the break. Also, be sure to see the comments section, which has some great comments.
I got 80 replies to the following questions:
1. How often do you use Twitter?
- Daily
- 2-3 times per week
- Once per week
- 2-3 times per month
- Once per month
- Less frequently than once per month
- Yes
- No
- Not Sure
- Yes
- No
- Not Sure
- Happy
- Pleased
- Amused
- Indifferent
- Irritated
- Angry
- N/A
- Other (Please Specify)
- Replied to message
- Read message but took no action
- Ignored message
- Deleted message
- Unfollowed the sender of the message
- N/A
- Other (please specify)
- Professional
- Savvy
- Smart
- Cool
- Interesting
- Nice
- Reasonable
- Rude
- Uneducated
- Uninteresting
- Lacking etiquette
- Unprofessional
- N/A
- Other (please specify)
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- News about the company
- News about the product (including books, blog posts and movies)
- News about an *unrelated* company, author, movie, etc.
- General news items (like current events)
- Fun visual items (funny or clever pictures, animations, videos, etc.)
- Fun written items (jokes, clever blog posts, sayings, quotes, etc.)
- Surveys
- Games
- N/A
- Other (please specify)
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- Too much content about the brand or product (including blogs, books, movies, etc.)
- Too little content about the brand or product (including blogs, books, movies, etc.)
- Not enough useful content about the brand or product (including blogs, books, movies, etc.)
- Too much content about *unrelated* brands or products (including blogs, books, movies, etc.)
- Too many fun/silly posts
- Not enough fun/silly posts
- Too many games
- Too many surveys
- Too much content in general (i.e. clogs stream)
- N/A
- Other (please specify)
Negative association. It’s impersonal, and frequently common to users who are marketing rather than communicating
Meh. I dislike them. Usually used to push a service which makes me want to go unfollow them immediately. I believe it can be done well, but usually isn’t.
Lazy and indifferent/Lazy
Conceited and stupid
Spam/Spammy/Endless Spamming
I believe it can be done well, but usually isn’t.
Dude, you just don’t get it, do you?
Unless you’re George Takei, it’s rarely necessary
It depends on the nature of the auto reply
Convinced of their own celebrity
All of the replies are valuable, but as before I’ve emphasized replies I thought were of particular interest. Once again we see that a push or broadcast isn’t well-received.
This is the last chart, and it’s for the “why did you unfollow/unsubscribe” question:
This is another question where I wish I’d worded the replies differently. I ended up grouping most of the “too much” responses together into one, because ultimately they were. The text replies showed me that I’d worded the question badly, which is why I chose to combine them in the visual examination here. The lesson? You really don’t need to tweet all day or post on Facebook frequently. Twitter is ephemeral, sure, but three or four times a day for one message is enough in almost all cases. Facebook? Post it once. Facebook and Google+ posts live a bit longer in people’s streams, so there’s less need for repetition.
My conclusion is that social media functions as a conversation. If you’re just blathering on and not listening or reacting or sharing with others, you’re missing the point and turning off potential customers/readers/viewers/listeners. It’s OK if growth is a bit slower than you like. The number of followers and subscribers and likes isn’t really as important as engaging the audience you already have and being social and conversational in the process of finding new ones.
So is social media free? I don’t think we should think of it as free at all. The time investment can be costly and should be figured into the process. If you don’t have time for a conversation, now may not be the time for you to use social media for your promotional purposes.
There was a lot more to my presentation last weekend, but I have an upcoming podcast where I get into more detail, so keep an eye out for that if you want more. I look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions in the comment section.