GenreLitChat #2: Crime and Thriller

Beverly Bambury/ May 8, 2014/ #GenreLitChat, Announcements, Interviews, Twitter/ 0 comments

We’re two weeks away from the next #GenreLitChat, and this time it’s a crime! The lineup: J.T. Ellison  (When Shadows Fall) (J.T.’s Twitter: @thrillerchick) John Rector (Out of the Black) (John’s Twitter: @john_rector) Christopher Irvin (Federales) (Christopher’s Twitter: @chrislirvin) John Mantooth (The Year of the Storm) (John’s Twitter: @busfulloflosers) What is #GenreLitChat? It’s an occasional Twitter chat with writers on the state of genre, and how their work does–or doesn’t–fit. Learn about new books! Ask authors questions! Crack open a beer! Well, I guess that last part’s optional, but please feel free.  The date of this thriller and crime Twitter chat is Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. PDT. When you join the chat, you can use this page ( which will focus only on the

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Press Release: Tesseracts 18: Wrestling with the Gods

Beverly Bambury/ March 20, 2014/ Announcements/ 2 comments

This is the first time I’ve ever published a press release. Normally they don’t have a big place in publicizing a book; but, in this case, Tesseracts, an annual anthology of the best in Canadian speculative fiction, holds a story by my husband, James Bambury. Keep an eye out for pre-orders which should be available soon. Don’t worry. I’ll remind you. – Beverly FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE“Tesseracts 18: Wrestling with Gods” edited by Liana K and Jerome Stueart Faith in Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology ISBN: 978-1-77053-068-3 (Trade Paperback 5.5″ X 8.5″) E-BOOK: e-ISBN: 978-1-77053-069-0 To be released April, 2015 announced for the latest volume of the prestigious Canadian speculative fiction anthology series. (Calgary, Alberta) EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing is pleased to announce the names of the contributing authors

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Self-Planning for Self-Promotion: A Book Marketing without B.S. Web Workshop

Beverly Bambury/ March 10, 2014/ Announcements, Book Marketing, BookMarketingWithoutBS, Comic Marketing, DIY, Public Relations, Publicity, Queries, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Social Media, Traditional Media, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

I am doing an in-depth online workshop on self-promotion for all authors and comic creators. This isn’t just for the self-published, either. If you’re published by any house, big or small, you know how much work falls to you for your own book marketing and publicity. In fact, it’s telling that my clients primarily fall in the small-to-medium publisher category, with the next largest being major publishing houses. (And yes, I have a few self-published/owner-created comics clients, too!) Right now there are two dates: Thursday, March 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and Sunday, April 13th at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (get those tickets here). I will do this again a few times a year as long as there is interest, so if you

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Winners Announced!

Beverly Bambury/ February 21, 2014/ Announcements, author services, Book Marketing, DIY, editing, Marketing, Publicity, Publishing, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Useful Stuff, writers/ 0 comments

Thanks once again to everyone who entered and who shared and tweeted. Your support is fantastic and I couldn’t do this without you. This has also been a great chance to promote my non-publicity campaign services, of which there are many you can see here. Some of my favourites are social media planning and coaching, and copy editing, and even though it’s not officially on the list, I enjoy critique as well. It’s likely to end up on the list at some point. So please contact me and ask about these other services. I can work with any budget, so don’t be shy. Anyhow! here are the three winners: Karina Sumner-Smith Site | TwitterJessica Meddows Site | TwitterTeri Kline Twitter (and yes, I know the name on

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Enter Here to Win Free Consulting or Critiques!

Beverly Bambury/ February 17, 2014/ Announcements, author services, Book Marketing, DIY, editing, Marketing, Publicity, Publishing, Self-Promotion, self-publishing, Useful Stuff, writers/ 0 comments

Subscribe (and confirm–check that spam email box!) to my email list and you will be entered to win two consulting or editorial hours. You can use the time toward: Help creating your book or comic’s marketing plan A complete flash fiction critique and copy edit A full social media consultation and plan A brief critique of a novella or a partial of a novel  Website critique/planning assistance Any other publishing- or marketing-related consultation time Three winners will be selected at random from mailing list subscribers who have joined and confirmed by clicking the response link (remember it may go to a spam filter) by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, February 19th. Not sure how to join the list? Subscribe right here. Note that the

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#GenreLitChat: An Occasional Twitter Chat about Genre

Beverly Bambury/ December 3, 2013/ #GenreLitChat, Announcements, authors, Book Marketing, Publicity, Scheduling, Twitter/ 0 comments

Introducing #GenreLitChat, an occasional Twitter chat with writers on the state of genre, and how their work does–or doesn’t–fit. The kickoff chat is just in time for your holiday book buying needs! It’s this Thursday, December 5th at 8:30 p.m. EST/5:30 p.m. PST with John Mantooth, author of The Year of the Storm (Berkley/Penguin), Heidi Ruby Miller, author of Green Shift (Raw Dog Screaming Press), and Nathan Ballingrud, author of short story collection North American Lake Monsters (Small Beer Press). When you join the chat, you can use this page ( which will focus only on the hashtag, and even automatically insert the hashtag for you if you ask questions or reply. Alternatively, you can follow the hashtag #GenreLitChat right on Twitter, but make

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Coming Soon: Calls for Submission Column

Beverly Bambury/ November 16, 2013/ Announcements, Facebook, Guest Post, Publishing, Submissions, Useful Stuff/ 0 comments

In the next week or two I’ll have the first of a reoccurring column aggregating calls for submission. It will be by Selene MacLeod who also administers the successful Facebook group Calls for Submissions (Poetry, Fiction, Art). If this is what you like to see, sign up for email notifications of new posts so that you don’t miss a thing!